Horse racing is one of the most popular sports in the world, and it’s not difficult to see why. The thrill of watching a horse race from start to finish is something that can’t be matched by any other sport.
Horse racing tips are often overlooked by those who don’t regularly attend races, but they are just as important as any other tip you can find on the internet. Here are some of our favourite horse racing tips that will help you win more bets:
Follow the top jockeys
It’s important to know who the best jockeys are in horse racing because they can make a big difference in how well their horses perform. Jockeys with a lot of experience and good records will be able to push their horses to perform better than those who don’t have as much experience.
Keep an eye on the weather
A good race track can make or break a horse’s chances of winning, so it’s important to keep an eye on the weather when you go racing. Horses don’t like muddy or wet tracks, so if there is rain expected on race day, this could mean that some horses are at a disadvantage compared with others. If a horse has shown good form on wet tracks in the past, it could be worth betting on them in races where there is a bad weather forecast for that day.
Study the form guide
The form guide is like a map that shows you everything about a horse: its past performances, how well it ran against other horses, and what happened when it won or lost races before this one. You should always study this thoroughly before placing bets because it will give you an idea of how much money each horse is worth betting on versus.
Pay attention to trainer patterns
Trainers have a pattern of horses they like to run in certain races. If you notice a trainer has a tendency to run horses in the same type of race, be sure to check out that race on horse racing oddschecker. You might just find an underdog that is primed for success.
Look for signs of improvement
Some trainers are better than others at improving their horses’ form over time. If you see a trainer who seems to have a knack for turning average horses into good ones, look out for them!
Stick with a type of race you are familiar with.
If you’re good at handicapping sprints, stick with sprints. Don’t try to improve your odds by racing outside your comfort zone—you’ll end up losing more often than not.
Be patient
Horse racing is not about winning every race—it’s about winning more than you lose. If you’re not willing to wait for the right race to come around again, it’s going to be hard for you to make any money at all.
Focus on value
The biggest mistake most people make when they’re betting on horses is that they don’t focus enough on value. The best way to do this is by using a tool like [tool name]. It will help you find good bets at low odds so that it doesn’t matter if your horse finishes in the first place or last place—you’ll still come out ahead of the game!
Don’t bet with your heart
We know that it can be hard not to get your hopes up when a favourite horse comes galloping toward you at breakneck speed, but remember: no matter how excited you get, it has nothing to do with whether or not they’ll win the race!
Make a Profit from Horse Racing.
Horse racing is a sport that is full of ups and downs, but you can still make money by learning how to bet on horses. The first thing you need to do is choose your horse. You can do this by checking out the form on horse racing odds checker which shows how well each horse has done previously and what their odds are for each race. You should also consider factors such as the horse’s age, sex and class when making your choice.
Don’t Chase Losses.
If you place a bet and lose money, do not keep placing bets in the hope of getting it back. Chasing losses will only result in more loss or even bankruptcy if you don’t stop yourself from doing so.
Use Accumulators.
Accumulators are bets that involve multiple selections on races and they can be highly rewarding when they win. However, they come with a high risk because if any part of the accumulator fails to win then all bets within it will be lost too! So only use them if you understand how they work and have enough money to cover any potential losses.
Do Your Own Research.
It’s important to do your own research before placing a bet because otherwise, you won’t know whether or not someone else has already done something similar and therefore already knows whether or not it will succeed or fail!
Follow Professional Tipsters.
This is a good way to get started in horse racing and learn about the sport. You can follow a professional tipster and see how they do. In fact, you can see how well they do in real-time! You can also read the tips that they give before the race starts and see if you agree with them or not.
Watch the first race.
When you first start watching horse racing, it’s a good idea to watch one or two races in order to get acquainted with all of the different types of races that are offered at most tracks. This will help you learn what each type of race entails and how long it lasts so you can decide which ones are worth betting on and which ones aren’t worth your time.

Watch the last race.
The last race of the day is just as important as the first! It gives you an insight into what kind of track condition we’re looking at today (fast or slow) and whether or not there’s any kind of bias towards certain horse types (speedsters or closers). This will help you make better decisions when placing your bets on future races!
Watch the tote board carefully.
If you’re not familiar with how horse racing works, it can be difficult to keep track of which horses are leading in each race. The tote board shows you who’s in front, how much distance they’re ahead, and how much money is being bet on them.
Do not bet on every race.
If you bet on every race, you’ll end up losing more than you win—which is the opposite of what we want! Instead, pick out a few races each day that look good and have fun with those bets.
Research form
Study all of the information available about each horse: their past performances and their trainer’s record, if possible. This will help you decide if they’re worth betting on or not.
Study the race conditions
Study the race conditions; then place your bets based on those conditions! For example: “This horse runs well on muddy tracks.” Or “This horse always runs faster when there are more than five other horses in the race.” You can also look at how many times a particular jockey has ridden this horse before and see if it’s been successful for them before (or less so).
Watch for the horse being dropped in class
When a horse is moved up or down in class, its odds change dramatically. This is because their opponents are tougher or easier to beat than they were before.
Use a spread betting platform such as 12xpro to bet from home.
Spread betting allows you to set your own odds and winnings without needing to place a bet on one particular horse. You can even back multiple horses at once! You can use a spread betting on horse racing bet sites such as 12xpro to bet from home.
Break down a race into manageable parts.
Breaking down a race into manageable parts means looking at everything that could happen during the race and deciding whether or not each scenario would benefit your bets.
Consider every competitor in every race.
You can’t just pick the favourites and hope for the best—you need to look at all of the horses in the field and decide which ones might have an advantage over others based on their past performances (or lack thereof).
Don’t aim for wins – aim for profits.
The most important thing to remember when betting on horse racing is that you can make money and still lose. A lot of people get caught up in the thrill of winning big, and that can lead to disaster when it comes time to place their bet. If your goal is to win a race, then you’re going to have a much harder time than if your goal is simply to make money.

Look for horses that catch your eye visually.
When it comes to picking horses, there are a number of factors you should consider before placing your bet. One of these factors is physical appearance: does the horse look like it could run fast? Does it look healthy? These are things that will help determine how likely it is that the horse will perform well in upcoming races.
Look for horses that performed well on the same course previously.
This is a great horse racing tip to use if you have access to a horse’s past performances, as it will help you identify which horses are best suited for specific courses. This is especially useful if you’re looking at races in which there is a lot of turn-around time between events since it can be difficult to tell if horses have been able to adapt to the new track conditions.